Server Rules

To ensure a positive experience for all players, please follow these important rules while playing on FordMC.

Respect Others

Treat all players with respect. No harassment, bullying, or discrimination of any kind.

No Griefing

Do not destroy or modify other players' builds without permission. Respect others' creations.

Keep Chat Family-Friendly

No swearing, inappropriate language, or adult content in chat. Keep conversations appropriate for all ages.

No Cheating

Use of hacks, mods, or exploits that give unfair advantages is prohibited and will result in a ban.

Respect Privacy

Do not share personal information of others without their consent. Protect your own privacy as well.

Be Patient with Staff

Staff are here to help. Be patient and respectful when seeking assistance or reporting issues.

No Spamming

Avoid spamming chat, commands, or any server features. This includes excessive caps and repetitive messages.

Respect Server Resources

Avoid creating lag-inducing builds or machines. Be mindful of server performance for everyone.

Report Issues

Report bugs, glitches, or rule violations to staff. Do not exploit or spread knowledge of bugs.

Important Note

The server staff reserves the right to adjust punishments based on the severity and frequency of rule violations. Repeated offenses may result in more severe consequences.

These rules may be updated periodically. It is your responsibility to stay informed about any changes.